The Odisha government has recently introduced a new scheme called “Small Scale Goat Farming (10+1)” with the aim of providing livelihood support to small and marginal farmers as well as landless laborers who are interested in this field. The scheme also aims to improve the livelihoods of weaker sections, particularly those belonging to the ST and SC categories.
Subsidy– Subsidy will be higher for SC, ST, women, transgender, and differently-abled categories, with 60% of the unit cost. For general categories, the subsidy will be 50% of the unit cost. The subsidy pattern for this scheme involves a back-ended subsidy that will be provided through DBT mode in two phases. The first phase, which is 40% of the unit cost, will be given after the completion of the shed, while the second phase, which is 60% of the unit cost, will be provided after the stocking of animals. | components | Amount in Rs. |
1 | Construction of shed with 180 sq ft for 10 does , 10Kids & one buck @ Rs. 200/sq. ft | 36000 |
2 | Cost of animals along with transportation cost -Female (5 – 6 months) @ Rs. 5000/- & Male one (6-7 months) @ Rs 6000/- | 56000 |
3 | Insurance Premium for 11 animals for three years | 8000 |
4 | Medicines :- Nutritional supplements, Deworming etc. | 2000 |
Total | 102000 |