Small Duck farming

Government of Odisha assistance to Farmers through Duck farming during the year 2022-23

Government of Odisha is providing assistance to lockdown affected farmers for small duck farm under scheme “Livelihood Support to Farmers through Duckery farming during the year 2022-23”. This scheme a 50 % subsidized scheme. Share of farmer is 50% (Rs2000/-)

Who can get this assistance – 1-Small/ Marginal/ Landless/ SC/ ST/ PWD/ individual members of WSHG will be selected under the programme.2- Should be a permanent resident of the Village/ Panchayat.

Documents required

  1. Identification Proof (Aadhaar Card)
  2. Bank A/C No. with IFS Code for DBT (Photocopy)

Components of the scheme-

Sl noparticularsCost in Rupees
1Cost towards night shelter @ Rs.1000/-1000.00
2Cost of 50 nos. of 2 week Old LIT birds @ Rs.60/- each (Rs.60/- X 50) 3,000.003000.00

About 50% of supplied birds will ne male & can be sold at the marketable age of about 6 months. Female birds will lay eggs for 1.5 years with around 250 eggs per year. A farmer can earn a profit of about Rs13000 from one unit.

Type of assistance-Rs2000/-  subsidy is available to the farmer. Benificiary has to pay 50% of scheme cost i.e Rs2000/-

1-Rs.1000.00 will be deposited in bank account of farmer  towards construction of night shelter .

2-50 numbers of two weeks old unsexed ducklings will be distributed to each farmer in two phases (25 + 25) with a gap of 3 months.

Government support for the scheme

  1. Farmer will be trained on duck farming at block level

2.recommended management practices on feeding & watering, brooding and vaccination etc.

  1. The Livestock Inspectors, Gomitras and Prani Mitras of the that area will guide the farmer in field for managing the duck units.
  1. CDVO of concerned district will assist in procurement and supply of ducklings
  2. Veterinary health care services will be provided by field functionaries through ongoing health care schemes and MVU Scheme.
  1. Routine vaccination of birds will be conducted on priority basis.
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