Dairy farm project report 6 cows

Project report for a dairy farm with six indigenous dairy breed/ crossbred/cows

This project report is based on the following assumption: 1. Freshly calved crossbred Jersey/ indigenous dairy breed cows in 1st or 2nd lactation will be purchased in two batches of two animals each at an interval of 5 to 6 months. 2. Availability of  1.5 acres of irrigated  land is prerequisite for the project 4.Fodder cultivation considered in 1.5 acre land , Two crops considered per year. 5.Cow dung produced will be utilized as Manure for fodder cultivation. 6.Cost of rearing calves is not considered as it will be nullified by their sale value 7.In case of death  cow new cow will be purchased from insurance claim money 8.The scheme is workable on the above guidelines if run by the dairy farmer on scientific lines.

. Housing for cows Floor –Pucca, strong concrete cemented, impervious to moisture, and have slope 1 in 60 towards the gutter. Plinth should be 2ft. higher than ground.  Walls-3ft. high lengthwise brick wall on sides, End wall should be solid made of bricks. Roof– 14-16ft. high at the center and 8ft. high on the side wall .there should be   hang over 3ft  beyond wall to prevent rain water from entering cow shade. Roof should be of asbestos, cement asbestos, or tile. thatched  roof can replace asbestos in low cost housing

Feeding requirement and expenditure is given in Feed chart for cow

Sr.No Particulars Years
i) Lactation Days
a) First batch 750 840 750 630 630 750
b) Second batch 540 630 630 630 630 630
Total 1290 1470 1380 1260 1260 1380
ii) Dry Days
a) First batch 330 240 330 450 450 330
b) Second batch 450 450 450 450 450
Total 330 690 780 900 900 780
Economics of dairy farming with 6 indigenous dairy breed/ crossbred/cows
Project cost Cost. In Rs.
1 Capital cost
2 Cow shed for 2 cows 40sq.ft/cow @300/sqft 72000
3 Calf pen for 6 calves 20 sq.ft./calf @300/sq.ft. 36000
4 Cost of 2 CB cows with minimum average 10 liter milk yield /day @30000/cow (as per govt. norm @ 3500/ liter of milk yield/cow) 210000
5 Cost of transportation @1000/cow 6000
6 Cost of one chaff cutter hand operated 10000
7 Cost of dairy appliances @ 1500/cow 9000
Cost of electrification 10000
Cost of one hand operated milking machine 15000
Total 368000
Recurring cost to be capitalized
a Cost of feed for first batch of  one cows for one month as per feed chart 9540
b Cost of insurance with ptd cover   6 animals @5% of animal cost 10500
c Cost of fodder cultivation in 1.5 acres of land for first session 18000
d Cost of medicine vaccine, electricity for the first cow 6000
e Contingency 7960
f Total recurring expenditure 52000
h Margin money 10% of the project cost 42000
i Bank loan 90% of the project cost 378000
Item Particulars Project period
1 2 3 4 5 6
Feeding during lactation period vide yearly lactation days and feed cost as per chart 140610 160230 150420 137340 137340 150420
Feeding during dry period vide dry days and feed cost as per feed chart enclosed 16500 34500 39000 45000 45000 39000
Medicine vaccine veterinary aid 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000
Insurance @5% of animal cost /year 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500
Cost of fodder cultivation Two crop/year 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000
other miscellaneous expenditure 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000
Total 227610 265230 259920 252840 252840 259920
Sale  of milk @Rs.32/liter during lactation days with average milk yield /10  liter/day 412800 470400 441600 403200 403200 441600
Sale of gunny bags 1260 1380 1350 1260 1260 1320
Manure will be utilized in own farm
Value of closing stock of 6 cows(Depreciation on animal cost @10%/year) 84000
Value of building (Depreciation on building@10%/year) 38400
Value of equipment (Depreciation on equipment @15%/year) 4400
Total income 414060 471780 442950 404460 404460 569720
Gross profit 186450 206550 183030 151620 151620 309800
Calculation of BCR & IRR
1 2 3 4 5 6
Capital Costs 368000
Recurring Cost 227610 265230 259920 252840 252840 259920
Total Costs 595610 265230 259920 252840 252840 259920
Benefit 414060 471780 442950 404460 404460 569720
Net Benefit -181550 206550 183030 151620 151620 309800
Sl no Financial indicators Estimated value Preferred value
1. PW costs @ 15%DF 1272014.19
2. PW benefits @ 15%DF 1686677.55
3. Net Present Worth (NPW 414663.36 Should be+ve
4. Benefit Cost Ratio(BCR) 1.326:1 >1
5. Internal Rate of return (IRR) 39.247 >15%
6. Debt Service Coverage Ratio 2.10 >1.5

Repayment of loan:- Repayment of loan will start after grace period of six months. Total loan repayment period is 6-7 years. Details of  monthly installment, interest payment, principal payment and balance  is given in repayment schedule for 6 cows

DISCLAIMER:-The views expressed in this model project are advisory in nature. This website assumes no financial liability for anyone using this project report for any purpose.

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