EC broiler farm project report 15000


EC broiler farming is becoming very popular in India. It is providing gainful employment to unemployed youths. Poultry  industry is expected to grow  @ 12% in financial year 2022-23.

Advantages of EC broiler poultry farming

  1. Comfort level of birds is high in an EC broiler farm
  2. Cost of production is low
  3. Death of birds is low in comparison to conventional farm (3%)
  4. Less floor space requirement per bird resulting in high stocking density
  5. Growth rate of birds is uniform.
  6. Less manual labour requirement due to mechanization of feeding & drinking
  7. Birds get always fresh air & ammonia is removed.
  8. There is Improvement in feed conversion ratio (FCR). Simply speaking  less feed is required to produce a KG of broiler meet in comparison to conventional housing .
  9. Human error is reduced due to use of electronic controllers and automation.

Disadvantages of EC poultry farming

1- More investment is required in comparison to conventional poultry farm

2.It requires 24X7 electricity supply.

This EC broiler farm  project 15000 birds  has been worked out subject to the following conditions:

1.The entrepreneur/ his manager will obtain training on EC poultry farming

2.Hybrid Broiler Chicks will be procured from commercial hatcheries for every batch.

3.Sale price of finisher birds will change in accordance with change in purchase price of feed & chick .

4.Environment controlled poultry farm will maintain strict bio-security measures

5.The scheme is a broad guideline and is likely to vary as per the change in price/cost of various specified items

The entrepreneur must check the following points before starting an EC broiler  farm.

  1. Availability of hybrid broiler chicks in local  market
  2. Nearness of the Farm to Veterinary Hospital, Animal disease diagnostic laboratory
  3. Marketing facility & demand of broiler poultry in local market
  4. Availability of broiler feed & medicine in their locality.

Subsidy available for this type projects: -Odisha farmer can avail subsidy for this type project under Mukhya  Mantri  Krushi  Udyoga  Yojana (MKUY). 50%  subsidy of capital is available for EC broiler farm of  15000 capacity for ST/SC and general women and degree holder of agriculture and allied sector/Transgender/physically handicapped& 40% subsidy is available for the male of general category. Maximum subsidy limit is Rupees one crore under MKUY. Group of Individuals like registered FPOs, FPCs, FPGs, NGOs(Only Societies excluding charitable trusts), SHGs, GPLF,BLF,DLF,PACS, LAMPCS, Farmers Cooperative Societies (including agricultural/ allied sectors) and   Apex Federations such as OMFED,   OPOLFED,   FISHFED and Companies registered under Companies Act 2013 etc. will be eligible for availing CIS to the tune of 40% limited to Rs.50.00 lakh. If all members of the entity are women/ Transgender/SC/ST/PwD/ Graduates in Agriculture and allied discipline, then they will be entitled for CIS @ 50% limited to one crore.

EC Broiler farm odishaver
Inner view ec broiler farm
Techno-Economic Norms
Batch size 15000+3% extra
Batch interval including cleaning period 52 days
Mortality of birds 3%
Cycle size 15000
Cost of day old chick Rs.35
Cost of kg of feed Rs.40
Sale price of bird per KG 99
Cost of equipment( drinkers feeders etc.) Rs.120/bird
Cost of insurance medicine vaccine etc. Rs.5/bird/batch
No of  batches/year introduced first year 6
No of  batches /year(sold) 6
No of batch introduced 2-7 years 7
No of batch sold  2-7 years 7
Average wt. of bird at the time of sale 2.1 kg
Feed requirement to attain  2 kg body weight 3.2 kg
Interest rate 11%/year
Repayment period 6 years

Economics of broiler farming to produce 15000 broiler per batch

Capital cost (Amount in Rs.)
Land development (lump sum) 25000
Fencing 40000
Construction of Brooder cum grower house @ 0.7 sqft/ bir for 15000 birds  d@Rs.350/sq.ft 36,75,000
Feed store 200sq.ft@400/sq.ft 80000
Office cum marketing room 12’x10’ @600/sq.ft 72000
A  bore well 100000
 Pump & Pipe lines to shed 50000
Overhead tank 40000
Equipments for 15000 birds @Rs.120/bird(EC equipments with automatic   feeder, drinker, brooder, etc) 1800000
External Electric connection   with transformer & internal  installation 400000
DG SET 25 KVA 350000
Refrigerator 15000
Working Capital
Cost of chicks 15450@  RS.35/chick 540750
Cost of concentrate feed@3.2kg/bird for15000 birds @40 /kg for first bath 19,20,000
Misc, expenditure i.e. Labour, electricity, fuel, vaccine medicine insurance etc. including veterinary aid @Rs,5/bird/batch 75000
Contingency 37250
Total working capital 2573000
Total project cost 9220000
Margin money 25% of project cost 2305000
Bank loan 6915000

Economics of EC broiler poultry farming with 15,000 broilers /cycle       

CASH FLOW Project period     Amount in Rs.
i ii iii iv v vi
Cost of day old chicks  chicks/year@35/bird 3244500 3785250 3785250 3785250 3785250 3785250
 Cost of feed for birds @3.2kg/bird  Rs.37/kg 11520000 13440000 13440000 13440000 13440000 13440000
Misc, expenditure i.e. electricity vaccine medicine insurance etc. including veterinary aid  & labour charge @Rs5/bird /batch 450000 525000 525000 525000 525000 525000
Total expenditure 15214500 17750250 17750250 17750250 17750250 17750250
Sale of broiler @ Rs.207.90/bird  (2.1kg @ Rs.99/kg  


2,18,29,500 2,18,29,500 2,18,29,500 2,18,29,500 2,18,29,500
Sale of manure 45000 52500 52500 52500 52500 52500
Sale of gunny bags 55800 65100 65100 65100 65100 65100
Value of building at the end of  project period (depreciation on shed and building  etc@10%/year) 1530800
Value of equipment at the end of project period (Depreciation on equipment @15%) 277000
Total 18811800 2,19,47,100 2,19,47,100 2,19,47,100 2,19,47,100 2,37,54,900
Gross profit 3597300 4196850 4196850 4196850 4196850 6004650
Repayment to bank 833160 1666320 1666320 1666320 1666320 1666320
Profit before tax 2764140 2530530 2530530 2530530 2530530 4338330


Sl no Financial indicators Estimated value Preferred value
1 Net Present Worth (NPW) @15% DF 16143120.20 Should be+ve
2 Benefit Cost Ratio(BCR) @15% DF 1.24:1 >1
3 Internal Rate of return (IRR) 38.28 >15%
4 Debt Service Coverage Ratio 2.63 >1.5

Loan Repayment  plan for 15000 broiler  farm:- Repayment of loan will start after grace period of six months. Total loan repayment period is 6years. Details of monthly installment, interest payment, principal payment and balance are given in repayment schedule for 15000 broiler poultry. Six monthly installment will be paid in first year & 12 number of installments will be paid from second year onwards. Bank Loan=6915000

,Interest Rate=11% Grace period – 6 months. Total loan amount at the end of grace period ,Bank Loan=6915000+380325=7295325

S.No Monthly Installment Interest Principal Balance
0 7295325
1 138860 66874 71986 7223339
2 138860 66214 72646 7150693
3 138860 65548 73312 7077381
4 138860 64876 73984 7003398
5 138860 64198 74662 6928736
6 138860 63513 75346 6853389
7 138860 62823 76037 6777352
8 138860 62126 76734 6700618
9 138860 61422 77437 6623181
10 138860 60712 78147 6545033
11 138860 59996 78864 6466170
12 138860 59273 79587 6386583
13 138860 58544 80316 6306267
14 138860 57807 81052 6225215
15 138860 57064 81795 6143419
16 138860 56315 82545 6060874
17 138860 55558 83302 5977572
18 138860 54794 84065 5893507
19 138860 54024 84836 5808671
20 138860 53246 85614 5723057
21 138860 52461 86398 5636659
22 138860 51669 87190 5549469
23 138860 50870 87990 5461479
24 138860 50064 88796 5372683
25 138860 49250 89610 5283073
26 138860 48428 90432 5192641
27 138860 47599 91261 5101380
28 138860 46763 92097 5009283
29 138860 45918 92941 4916342
30 138860 45066 93793 4822548
31 138860 44207 94653 4727895
32 138860 43339 95521 4632375
33 138860 42463 96396 4535978
34 138860 41580 97280 4438698
35 138860 40688 98172 4340527
36 138860 39788 99072 4241455
37 138860 38880 99980 4141475
38 138860 37964 100896 4040579
39 138860 37039 101821 3938758
40 138860 36105 102755 3836003
41 138860 35163 103696 3732307
42 138860 34213 104647 3627660
43 138860 33254 105606 3522054
44 138860 32285 106574 3415479
45 138860 31309 107551 3307928
46 138860 30323 108537 3199391
47 138860 29328 109532 3089859
48 138860 28324 110536 2979323
49 138860 27310 111549 2867773
50 138860 26288 112572 2755202
51 138860 25256 113604 2641598
52 138860 24215 114645 2526953
53 138860 23164 115696 2411257
54 138860 22103 116757 2294500
55 138860 21033 117827 2176673
56 138860 19953 118907 2057766
57 138860 18863 119997 1937769
58 138860 17763 121097 1816672
59 138860 16653 122207 1694465
60 138860 15533 123327 1571138
61 138860 14402 124458 1446680
62 138860 13261 125599 1321082
63 138860 12110 126750 1194332
64 138860 10948 127912 1066420
65 138860 9776 129084 937336
66 138860 8592 130268 807068
67 138860 7398 131462 675607
68 138860 6193 132667 542940
69 138860 4977 133883 409057
70 138860 3750 135110 273947
71 138860 2511 136349 137598
72 138860 1261 137598 0

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