Sheep & Goat Entrepreneurship Development

Scheme-Establishment of Entrepreneur for breed development in small ruminant sector under Sheep & Goat Entrepreneurship Development

(sheep and goat farming)

Jurisdiction of the Scheme -All over India

Goat project 100+5

Eligibility: Individuals/ Self Help Group (SHG)/Framers Producer organizations (FPO)/Farmers Cooperatives (FCOs)/Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) and Section 8 companies .

Under scheme “Sheep & Goat Entrepreneurship Development “The Entrepreneurs / Eligible Entities can establish sheep and goat breeding unit with minimum 500 females and 25 males. The sheep and goat unit to be established with the High Genetic Variety used for producing Goat milk, meet and fine wool quality. The breed of sheep and goat can be selected from the list provided with this guideline or in consultation with the State Government

Subsidy The Central Government will provide up to 50% back ended subsidy for the capital cost of the project. 50% capital subsidy up to Rs. 50 lakh will be released in two installments. First Instalment of loan to the beneficiary and its confirmation by State Implementing Agency(SIA). Beneficiaries will be eligible for release of the second instalment by SIDBI after completion of the project and certified so by the SIA. Remaining portion of project cost can  be bank finance/self finance.

1. In case of the self-financing project, the project needs to be appraised by the bank where the Entrepreneurs/ Eligible Entity have account.

2. The Entrepreneurs / Eligible Entities interested in self-financing mode, need to provide Bank Guarantee from the scheduled bank valid for three years for the remaining cost of the project beyond the cost of subsidy sought for support. No subsidy will be provided for working capital, personal vehicle, purchase of land, cost for rent and lease of land

list of items eligible for funding under sheep and goat entrepreneurship for establishment of breeder goat farm of 500 females and 25maleSheep and Goat

S. No. Particulars Unit
1 Construction of housing shed for parent stock (55 ft. x100ft) 5500 sq.ft
2 Kid shed & sick pen 3500 sq.ft
3 Cost of Doe 500 nos.
4 Cost of Buck 25 nos.
5 Transportation cost 525 nos.
6 Fodder cultivation 5 acre
7 Chaff cutter 2 nos.
8 Integrated silage making machine 1no.
9 Equipment For 525 no. of animals
10 Insurance For 525 of animals
11 Miscellaneous As required

The entrepreneur can register & apply at

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