Chick Rearing unit

Government of Odisha provides 40% subsidy for establishment of Chick rearing unit

. Unit cost of 1000 chicks under CRU Scheme is Rs.2,54,000 /-

Category of farmers Subsidy amount in Rs (back ended) Share of farmers in Rs.
General, SC, ST & Women, Transgender &differently abl(Min.40% disability) category ( subsidy @ 40 % of thunit cost) e Rs. 1,01,600.00 Rs.1,52,400.00


The willing farmers/ entrepreneurs will be eligible to avail support under the scheme.  Priority will be given to SC, ST, Women, Transgender & differently able (Min.40% disability) category.

  • While availing subsidy the beneficiary family will be considered instead of individual

members of the family. A family will not be eligible for subsidy under the same scheme if any if its member has got subsidy during last three years.


Components of Chick rearing unit

Sl. No. Particulars Cost in Rs.
A. Fixed Cost
1.  The      shed        area     requirement          for       1000    chicks    (0.5sqft/chick       x

1000)=500Sq.       ft    +     100          sqft       towards   feederer,         drinker        and others)=600sqft.@ Rs300/per Sq.ft.

2.  Electrification @Rs5/ per bird 5,000.00
3.. Equipment’s(25drinker + 25 feeder)= 50x Rs 300/ 15,000.00
Total (A) 2,00,000.00
Total Initial cost Rs 2,00,000.00
Recurring Cost for production of 28 days old chick
1. Cost of day old chicks @ Rs 30.00 for 1000 chicks 30,000.00
2. Feed cost per bird up to 4 weeks age: 750gm per bird x 1000 x Rs.30.00 22,500.00
3. Medicine and vaccine cost 1500.00
4 Total (B) 54000.00
Total A+ B =Rs 200000/- + Rs 54,000/- = 2,54,000.00
1 By sale of 28 days old birds @ Rs 65/bird

950 bird x Rs 65.00( Considering 5% mortality)

2 Expenditure(Chick cost+ feed cost+ medicine, vaccine cost) 54,000
Net income per batch( 1-2) 7,750


Subsidy Total subsidy

in             Lakhs

per unit

1st installment subsidy
(40% of the eligible
2nd installment subsidy
(rest 60% of the eligible
After     construction        of building After induction of day old chicks
Subsidy to General, SC, ST &
Women,                  Transgender &differently able (Min.40% disability) @40 % of the unit cost
Rs1.016 lakh Rs 0.4064 lakh Rs 0.6096 lakh

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