Conventional cropping System (CCS) has become unstable in recent years & is no more lucrative. Crop diversification is necessary to increase income generation of the farmer. Integration of animal farming with agriculture & fish farming can give sustainability to unstable agriculture. It will increase profit margin of the farmer & will reduce risk in agriculture. Main objective of Integrated farming system is to increase farmer’s income, IFS has several advantages.
- There recycling of nutrient produced from crop and animal wastes. It helps in pollution control
- It Minimizes the nutrient losses
- There is increase in productivity
- Profit margin of farmer increases
- IFS system is sustainable
- FS produces balanced food round the year
- It helps in employment generation
Live-stock cum fish farming
Some sustainable IFS projects are given below
- Broiler poultry & Pisciculture/Aquaculture
- Layer poultry & Pisciculture/aquaculture
- Duck farm & Fish Culture
- Pig & Pisciculture/aquaculture
- Cattle &Pisciculture/aquaculture
- Goat & Pisciculture/aquaculture