Project Report 10 buffaloes


Project report for a dairy farm with ten graded murrah buffaloes

Buffalo dairy farming is a profitable business & has   good potential for employment generation . India has 57% of world buffalo population. Buffalo milk contributes 57% of total milk production. Buffaloes have several advantages over crossbred cows as farm animal.

1-They are well adopted to agro-climatic condition of our country2-They are more disease resistant in comparison to crossbred cows. (less incidence of milk fever & mastitis in buffaloes.3-They can thrive well on crop residue5-Buffalo milk contains more butter fat for which the price of buffalo milk is more.

Before starting a dairy farm the entrepreneurs/ farmers are advised to undergo   training on dairy farming. They can contact Local Animal Husbandry Department staffs/Veterinary College/agriculture University etc. for the purpose.  They should also visit progressive dairy farmers and government/ agricultural university dairy farms in the locality. They must check the following .1-.  Availability of good quality graded murrah buddalo  in nearby livestock market 2-Nearness of the Farm to Veterinary Hospital, Artificial Insemination Center/livestock Aid Centers, MPCS3- Marketing facility of milk and milk product in the locality 4-Availability of concentrates ,fodder & medicine in that locality.

Subsidy-Under MKUY subsidy limit is 40% of the fixed capital (excluding the cost of the land) subject to a limit of 50.00 lakh  for general male category. Subsidy is 50% of the fixed capital limited to  50.00 lakh for SC/ST/Women/Graduates of Agriculture and Allied Disciplines for this type project. Farmer/entrepreneur can apply through GO Sugam Portal. Net annual profit from project should be more than 2 Lakh for individual & more than one lakh for SHG groups.

This project report is based on following assumption::1-Freshly calved murrah  female buffaloes in 1st or 2nd lactation will be purchased in two batches of five animals each/batch  at an interval of 5 to 6 months.2-Availability of 2 acres of land  for fodder cultivation is prerequisite for the project,3-Dung produced will be utilized as Manure for fodder cultivation.4-Cost of rearing calves not considered as it will be repealed by their sale. 5In case of death of adult animal new buffalo  will be purchased from insurance claim money.6-Heifers will be used as replacement stocks7 The scheme will be successful on the above guidelines if run by the dairy farmer on scientific lines.

. Techno economic parameters
Type of Animal Graded murrah buffalo
No. of Animals 10
Cost of Animal (Rs./animal) including transportation 52000
Average Milk Yield (litre/day) 10
Floor space (sqft) per adult animal 50
Floor space (sqft) per calf 20
Cost of construction per sqft (Rs.) 150
Cost of equipment per animal (Rs.) 1000
Cost of fodder cultivation (Rs./acre/season) 6000
Insurance premium (% per annum) 5
Veterinary aid/animal/ year (Rs.) 1000
Cost of concentrate feed (Rs./kg) 20
Cost of dry fodder (Rs./kg) 4
Rate of interest (%) 12
Repayment period (years) 6
Selling price of milk (Rs./kg) 35
Sale price of gunny bags (Rs. per bag) 10
Lactation days 280
Dry days 150

Daily feeding chart is given in  DAILY FEEDING  COST CHART FOR DAIRY BUFFALOES

Lactation chart /dry period chart for 10 buffaloes is given  in LACTATION CHART -DRY PERIOD CHART

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