Parameters 20 cows

Parameters 20 cow dairy farm

Sl no parameters value
2. Lactation period after (L.P)after calving 280 days
3. Dry period after lactation 85days
4. Phasing between two batches 180 days
5. Average milk yield/cow/day 12liters
6. Average cost/cow including transportation and insurance 40000/-
7. Construction cost  for cattle shed /sq.ft Rs.300/-
8. Construction cost  for office building & store/sq.ft Rs.400/-
9. Depreciation on buildings 10% / year
10. Depreciation on equipments 15% / year
11. Average cost/litter of milk Rs.32
12. Animals to be purchased in first batch 10
13. Animals to be purchased in 2nd batch 10
14. Floor Space requirement /cow 60 sq.ft
15. Floor Space requirement /calf 20 sq.ft.
16. Cost of milk can 2000/can
17. Milking Equipment 2 Cluster Can 50000
18. Cost of medicine vaccine /cow/year 1500/cow
19. Cost of insurance with PTD cover/cow/year 5%
20. No of labourer 1
21. No of manager Entrepreneur (Self )
22. Salary of Labor 72000/year
23. Cost of electricity and water per animal /year 1500
24. Margin money 15% of project cost
25. Repayment period 6 years
26. Grace period 6 months
27. Farmyard manure shall be used for fertilizing the fodder plots
28. Feeding cost of calves has not been calculated in this project as it will be recovered from sale of male calves & Heifers will be retained on the farm as replacement stock.
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