Broiler poultry project report 3000 birds

Broiler farming is a popular enterprise in India, and the country is now the fifth largest broiler producer in the world. The demand for broiler meat is growing rapidly in India, due to increasing urbanization and change in dietary habits.

There are several factors that have contributed to the growth of broiler farming in India. These include: The availability of high-quality feed at affordable prices. The development of improved breeding techniques. The use of modern farming practices. The availability of government subsidies and support. The demand for chicken meat is also high in Odisha, due to its growing population and increasing affluence. There are many government schemes and initiatives in place to promote broiler poultry farming in Odisha.

The state government provides subsidies to farmers who set up broiler farms, and there are also a number of training programs available to help farmers learn about the best practices for raising broiler chickens. The cost of setting up a broiler farm in Odisha varies depending on the size of the farm and the level of infrastructure required. However, the overall cost is relatively low, making broiler poultry farming a viable option for small-scale farmers.

Subsidy available for this type projects: -Odisha farmer can avail subsidy for this type project under Mukhya  Mantri  Krushi  Udyoga  Yojana (MKUY). 50%  subsidy of capital is available for  broiler farm of  3000 capacity for ST/SC and general women and degree holder of agriculture and allied sector.& 40% subsidy is available for the male of general category. Maximum subsidy limit is Rupees one crore under MKUY.

Despite the challenges, broiler farming is a viable business option for many farmers in Odisha. With careful planning and management, it can be a profitable and sustainable enterprise.

This project report has been worked out subject to the following conditions:

  1. The chicks will have to be arranged from commercial hatcheries and price fluctuation in them be correspondingly accommodated in the final sale price.
  2. Any increase in the cost of feed /chicks shall correlate to the corresponding increase in the sale price of broilers.

3.As a bio-security measure against avian influenza all in all out system will be adopted.

  1. The scheme is a broad guideline and is likely to vary as per the change in price/cost of various specified items.
  2. The scheme is workable on the above guidelines if run by the entrepreneur on scientific lines.

Techno economic parameters for 3000 broiler poultry

Techno-Economic Norms PARAMETERS VALUE
Batch size 3000+5% extra
Batch interval 52 days
Mortality of birds 5%
Cycle size 3000
Cost of day old chick Rs.35
Cost of kg of feed Rs.40.00
Cost of equipments( waterers feeders etc.) Rs.30/bird
Cost of insurance medicine vaccine etc. Rs.6/bird/batch
No of  batches/year introduced first year 6
No of  batches /year(sold) 6
No of batch introduced 2-7 years 7
No of batch sold  2-7 years 7
Cost of kg of live broiler Rs.103
Average wt. of bird at the time of sale 2.1kg
Feed requirement to attain 1.8kg body weight 3.2kg
Rearing period 45 days
Cleaning period One week
Interest rate 11%
Repayment period 6 years


Capital cost (Amount in Rs.)
Land Development & green fencing LS 15000
Construction of Brooder cum grower house one Sq.ft/bird for 3000 birds @Rs.350/sq.ft 1050000
Equipment for 3000 birds @Rs.30/bird 90000
Electrification & electrical installation 15000
 Office cum store 150sq.ft@500/sq.ft 75000
Bore well with pump set 100000
Pipeline 10000
Overhead tank 10000
Working Capital
Cost of chicks 3090@  RS.35/chick (5% extra for mortality  2% free from hatchery ) 1,08,150
Cost of concentrate feed@3.2kg/bird for 3000 birds @40/kg for first bath 3,84,000
Misc, expenditure i.e. electricity vaccine medicine including veterinary aid, labour charge @ Rs6/bird for first batch 18000
Contingency 14850
Total working capital 5,25,000
Total project cost 18,90,000
Margin money 25 % of project cost 472500
Bank loan 75% 1417500


CASH FLOW Project period (year)     Amount in Rs.
i ii iii iv v vi
Cost of day old chicks chicks/year@35/bird 648900 757050 757050 757050 757050 757050
 Cost of feed for birds @3.2kg/bird  Rs.40/kg 2304000 2688000 2688000 2688000 2688000 2688000
Misc, expenditure i.e. electricity vaccine medicine . including veterinary aid @Rs6/bird /batch 108000 126000 126000 126000 126000 126000
Total expenditure 3060900 3571050 3571050 3571050 3571050 3571050
Sale of broiler @ Rs.206/bird  (2 kg @ Rs.103/kg) 37,08,000 43,26,000 43,26,000 43,26,000 43,26,000 43,26,000
Sale of manure 9000 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500
Sale of gunny bags 12600 14700 14700 14700 14700 14700
Depreciation on shed and building 10% per year 450000
Depreciation on equipment @15%/year 21500
Total 37,29,600 43,51,200 43,51,200 43,51,200


43,51,200 48,22,700
Gross profit 6,68,700 7,80,150 7,80,150 7,80,150 7,80,150 12,51,650
 Repayment to bank 1,70,790 3,41,580 3,41,580 3,41,580 3,41,580 3,41,580
Net profit 4,97,910 4,38,570 4,38,570 4,38,570 4,38,570 9,10,070
Calculation of BCR and IRR
 YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 6
Capital Costs  1365000
Recurring Costs 3060900 3571050 3571050 3571050 3571050 3571050
Total Costs 44,25,900 3571050 3571050 3571050 3571050 3571050
Benefit 37,29,600 43,51,200 43,51,200 43,51,200


43,51,200 48,22,700
Net Benefit -6,96,300 7,80,150 7,80,150 7,80,150 7,80,150 12,51,650
Sl no Financial indicators Estimated value Preferred value
1 Net Present Worth (NPW) @15% DF 1872437.07 Should be +ve
2 Benefit Cost Ratio(BCR) @15% DF 1.13:1 >1
3 Internal Rate of return (IRR) 34.15 >15%
4 Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) 2.459 >1.5

Loan Repayment  plan for 4000  broiler  farm:- Repayment of loan will start after grace period of six months. Total loan repayment period is 6 years.

Loan amount is 1417500 +interest of 6 month 77,963=14,95,463

S.No Monthly Installment Interest Principal Balance
0 1495463
1 28465 13708 14756 1480707
2 28465 13573 14892 1465815
3 28465 13437 15028 1450787
4 28465 13299 15166 1435621
5 28465 13160 15305 1420316
6 28465 13020 15445 1404871
7 28465 12878 15587 1389284
8 28465 12735 15730 1373554
9 28465 12591 15874 1357681
10 28465 12445 16019 1341661
11 28465 12299 16166 1325495
12 28465 12150 16314 1309181
13 28465 12001 16464 1292717
14 28465 11850 16615 1276102
15 28465 11698 16767 1259335
16 28465 11544 16921 1242414
17 28465 11389 17076 1225338
18 28465 11232 17232 1208105
19 28465 11074 17390 1190715
20 28465 10915 17550 1173165
21 28465 10754 17711 1155454
22 28465 10592 17873 1137581
23 28465 10428 18037 1119544
24 28465 10262 18202 1101342
25 28465 10096 18369 1082973
26 28465 9927 18538 1064435
27 28465 9757 18707 1045728
28 28465 9586 18879 1026849
29 28465 9413 19052 1007797
30 28465 9238 19227 988570
31 28465 9062 19403 969168
32 28465 8884 19581 949587
33 28465 8705 19760 929827
34 28465 8523 19941 909885
35 28465 8341 20124 889761
36 28465 8156 20309 869453
37 28465 7970 20495 848958
38 28465 7782 20683 828275
39 28465 7593 20872 807403
40 28465 7401 21064 786339
41 28465 7208 21257 765083
42 28465 7013 21452 743631
43 28465 6817 21648 721983
44 28465 6618 21847 700136
45 28465 6418 22047 678090
46 28465 6216 22249 655841
47 28465 6012 22453 633388
48 28465 5806 22659 610729
49 28465 5598 22866 587863
50 28465 5389 23076 564787
51 28465 5177 23288 541499
52 28465 4964 23501 517998
53 28465 4748 23716 494282
54 28465 4531 23934 470348
55 28465 4312 24153 446195
56 28465 4090 24375 421820
57 28465 3867 24598 397222
58 28465 3641 24824 372398
59 28465 3414 25051 347347
60 28465 3184 25281 322066
61 28465 2952 25512 296554
62 28465 2718 25746 270808
63 28465 2482 25982 244825
64 28465 2244 26221 218605
65 28465 2004 26461 192144
66 28465 1761 26703 165440
67 28465 1517 26948 138492
68 28465 1270 27195 111297
69 28465 1020 27445 83852
70 28465 769 27696 56156
71 28465 515 27950 28206
72 28465 259 28206 0

DISCLAIMER-The views expressed in this model project are advisory in nature. This website assumes no financial liability for anyone using this project report for any purpose.

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