Broiler farm project report 5000 birds part 2

Broiler farm project 10000 birds page 2

Economics of broiler poultry farming with 10,000 broilers /cycle
CASH FLOW Project period     Amount in Rs.
i ii iii iv v vi
Cost of day old chicks chicks/year@33/bird 990000 1155000 1155000 1155000 1155000 1155000
 Cost of feed for birds @3.2kg/bird  Rs.39/kg 3744000 4368000 4368000 4368000 4368000 4368000
Misc, expenditure i.e. electricity vaccine medicine insurance etc. including veterinary aid  & wages@Rs6/bird /batch 180000 210000 210000 210000 210000 210000
Total expenditure 4914000 5733000 5733000 5733000 5733000 5733000
Sale of broiler @Rs.202/bird  (2kg@Rs.101/kg) 6060000 7070000 7070000 7070000 7070000 7070000
Sale of manure 15000 17500 17500 17500 17500 17500
Sale of gunny bags 14500 15500 15500 15500 15500 15500
Depreciation on shed and building  etc@10%/year 502000
Depreciation on equipments @15%/year 32000
Total income 6089500 7103000 7103000 7103000 7103000 7637000
Gross profit 1175500 1370000 1370000 1370000 1370000 1904000
Repayment to bank 218796 437592 437592 437592 437592 656388
Net profit 956704 932408 932408 932408 932408 1247612
Calculation of BCR and IRR
1 2 3 4 5 6
Capital Costs 1610000
Recurring Cost 4914000 5733000 5733000 5733000 5733000 5733000
Total Costs 6524000 5733000 5733000 5733000 5733000 5733000
Benefit 6089500 7103000 7103000 7103000 7103000 7637000
Net Benefit -434500 1370000 1370000 1370000 1370000 1904000
Sl no Financial indicators Estimated value Preferred value
1 Net Present Worth (NPW) @15% DF 3846473 Should be+ve
2 Benefit Cost Ratio(BCR) @15% DF 1.17:1 >1
3 Internal Rate of return (IRR) 48.96 >15%
4 Debt Service Coverage Ratio 3.2 >1.5

Loan Repayment  plan for 5000  broiler  farm:- Repayment of loan will start after grace period of six months. Total loan repayment period is 6-7 years. Details of  monthly installment, interest payment, principal payment and balance  is given in repayment schedule for 5000 birds.

DISCLAIMER:-The views expressed in this model project are advisory in nature. This website assumes no financial liability for anyone using this project report for any purpose.

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